Blog, Leadership

Life Hack: Fact, Change Is Inevitable and Constant

Change is a fact, not something you can ignore and come back to when you feel better because it makes you feel uncomfortable. Just take a look at yourself in the mirror, and you’ll see that change is constant. Most will react negatively to change. It’ll upset them. It’ll scare them. It’ll make them jealous. It’ll make them unhappy. Why? Most of their answers will sound like these: That’s not how its normally done. No one has done it that way. That won’t work. They don’t know what they are talking about. I don’t understand it. No one will do this. This is how we do things, not like that. That is not the way it is.

Positive change takes leadership, it takes someone with unyielding faith and belief to see change as reality. Most of our greatest figures in history had the audacity to lead others to change, some lived to see it, some didn’t. Religions throughout the world have thousands of years of human thought devoted to change. For example, Jesus was killed by his own people for teaching them change. Those in power were scared of influence on society, but mostly, they felt threatened. Those in power had him killed. Jesus had the unyielding faith that change would come even if he died. You don’t have to be willing to die to see change, but you do have to have faith.

From change in Christianity to Buddhism, change is not just an upstream battle that you must have faith in, but it’s also all around us, it’s inevitable and constant. Everything around us is changing. We change alongside it whether it’s positive or negative. Living in the constant presence of change leads to a coexistence of change. Developing an open relationship living with change will change your consciousness.

The world has seen change this year, how will you choose to react to change?

You choose.

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